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IFT Featured Hawaii Job

Multiple Linestop and Valve Installation Services

Job Status: Successful and Completed
Job Date: June 4. 2012
Location: Schofield Barracks- Hawaii

Job Specifics:
Valve #1 - 16" Linestops
2 -16" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 -16 · Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications.
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges

Valves #2- 20" & 16" Linestops
1 - 20" Linestop fitting for domestic water main at or under 150PSI
1 - 20" Linestop held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications.
1 - Remove stop and install completion plug and blind flange.
1 - 16" Linestop fitting for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
1 - 16" Linestop held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications.
1 Remove stop and install completion plugs and blind flanges

Valve #3 - 24" - 20" - 10" Linestops
2 - 24" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 - 24" Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications.
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges

1 - 20" Linestop fitting for domestic waterline at or under 150PSI
1 - 20" Linestop held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
1 - Remove stop and install completion plug and blind flange

1 - 10" Linestop fitting for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
1 - 10" Linestop held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
1 - Remove stop and install completion plugs and blind flanges

Valve #6- 24" Linestops
2 - 24" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 - 24" Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges

Valve #7- 24" Linestops
2 - 24" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 - 24" Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges
(contractor to Cut & Cap existing 8" line)

Valve #8- 24" Linestops
2 - 24" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 - 24" Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges

Valve #9 - 16" Linestops
2 - 16" Linestop fittings for domestic waterlines at or under 150PSI
2 - 16" Linestops held for up to 2 days while you perform pipeline modifications
2 - Remove stops and install completion plugs and blind flanges

** Above pricing includes one mobilization of equipment with one technician for up to one week stay
(?days) to one island ; with up to two linestops completed.

Additional Mobilization Pricing is as follows:
Technician Travel/Mobilization
1 - Mobilization and Travel to Hawaii for one technician per 7 day week -up to 2 linestops completed.

Equipment Mobilization
1 - Moving equipment on and off the island

-Any stand-by time not caused by 1FT, including safety courses, orientations, etc. will be billed
per technician for straight time.

Linestop® • Valve Inserting • Pipefreeze® • Large Tapping

Images at Job:

Contact Details

Office hours7:30–5:00 Central time
Nationwide: 1-800-221-3332
Anchorage, AK
Delaware, DE
Oklahoma City, OK
New Orleans, LA
Houston, TX
Nashville, TN
Emergency Services Available
Fax #: 1-951-926-2334

About IFT

Having completed many projects around the USA on water, natural gas, sewage, petroleum and chemical products. Have a look at the new Featured Jobs for more details and specifics on our work. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you in the near future.